We can’t deny that Linda Carter has done some pretty awful things as her alcoholism has taken hold. She’s driven her car while she’s drunk, lied to her family, upset bestie Sharon, neglected little Olly and ended up in hospital. Not to mention going back to a hotel with a stranger on New Year’s Eve.
And that’s all before we start unpicking her role in Keanu’s miraculous escape from death.
But one thing has remained constant as her downward spiral continues – and that’s how completely unsupportive her entire family is being.
We understand that Shirley’s just worried about son Mick. But as Mick himself said in last night’s episode, it’s a bit late for her to start being mum of the year. And however worried she is about Mick, does she have to be so downright cruel to poor L? After all, Shirl’s no stranger to a drink herself is she?
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And what about Mick himself? He’s struggling to cope, that’s obvious. And he’s been treated horribly by Linda. But she needs help, not someone shouting at her, judging her, or dragging her to a sexual health clinic. She’s a rape survivor, for goodness sake. A bit of understanding wouldn’t go amiss, Mr Carter.
Last night, Linda fell further into her drink problem and it doesn’t look as though her family will be helping her out any time soon.
We just hope someone gives her the support she needs before it’s too late.
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