It’s been a cracking few days for soap with lots of drama, new arrivals, heartbreak and some comedy, too. Here’s what we loved about this week’s Emmerdale, EastEnders and Coronation Street. And we’re not apologising for the many appearances of Sharon Watts in this week’s list!
1 Will Mellor in Corrie
We have been firm Will Mellor fans since the heady days of Jambo in Hollyoaks, via Line of Duty and Two Pints of Lager, and his stint in Corrie hasn’t disappointed.

Now Harvey’s been arrested, is this the last we’ll see of him? We really hope he’ll be back.
2 The Dingles rallying round in Emmerdale
With the village still reeling after the barn disaster and Paul’s death, it’s been so good to see the Dingles pulling together. One thing Emmerdale is always great at is remembering what characters have been through in the past and never more than this week.

We’ve seen Chas opening up to Mandy about how she felt when Gordon died. And Aaron telling Vinny about being abused by his dad. And of course the rest of the family just being generally brilliant. Lydia, especially. What a great addition to the family she is.
3 Sharon Watts and Jean Slater in EastEnders
We’ve grumbled about the lack of female friendships in Enders quite a lot recently so we were very pleased to see Sharon Watts and Jean Slater finding common ground this week.

In fact, we loved everything Queen Sharon did this week. Which is why we’ve also chosen…
4 Sharon and Zack in EastEnders
Who knew that what Sharon needed to give her back her zing was a brother? Sorry, half-brother. Zack’s fitted right in with his cheeky grin, his big mouth and his slight disregard for the truth.

We look forward to seeing what he’s going to do next.
5 Sharon’s family pictures
We saw a lot of Shaz’s flat this week, which gave us plenty of time to admire the family pictures that decorate her walls.

She’s got Denny, of course. Her parents, Den and Angie. And a lovely old-school shot of herself and bestie Michelle Fowler. But taking pride of place – as it should – is a big framed picture of her old poodle, Roly.

Much loved and much missed.
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